Email Onsite Ads
More than 70% of visitors with an item in their cart will abandon before completing their transaction. Bring them back with email remarketing to drive incremental revenue. When designing your email for Cybba, we recommend following our Responsive Email Guidelines to ensure deliverability and proper rendering across devices and email clients. If you would like to create a custom email template, we are also able to support any fully coded HTML file.
1. Logo Maximum size - 300px by 80px

2. CTA buttons 170px by 40px

3. Hero Banner 600px wide (height can be adjusted)

4. Body Copy This section is live text.**

5. Product Feed Title * This section is live text.**

6. Product Feed * Cart elements are dynamically pulled from the client cart page. This means that only information that appears on the cart page can be used. This section is live text.**

7. Bottom Banner 600 px wide (height can be adjusted)

8. Social Media 40px by 40px. Icon color, background color, and shape can be edited. Best practice is 3.

9. Email Border Color and width can be edited

10. Disclaimer All email templates need your company’s postal address along with a Cybba unsubscribe link that our team will add in. This section is live text.**

11. Email Background Color can be edited. It is also possible to use background patterns and images but always keep in mind this will not be supported across all email clients.

* This section is optional. If you do not need a product feed for your email, this section can easily be removed

** Live text (also known as HTML text) is text that is fully editable, just like the text in your word processor. Live text should always use web-safe fonts to ensure proper rendering, as web-safe fonts are fonts that are found on almost all devices and operating systems. You can apply various size, weight, text decoration, hyperlink and color settings - as long as the style treatment is possible to replicate with HTML and CSS.

Please send your responsive Photoshop file or custom coded HTML to your dedicated Cybba Account Manager to start the go live process. Download our photoshop template here.
Cybba enables you to get more value out of every visitor with multi-featured engagement solutions to increase your conversion rates. Our onsite tool has been developed to work across multiple screen sizes, browsers, and devices. It is important to keep in mind the responsive nature of the onsite tool when designing a creative.
This type of onsite has messaging and imagery that spans the full height of the webpage on the right hand side.

1. Logo (Optional) Size can be adjusted. Transparent PNG is recommended but can use any image file type.

2. Background The Onsite tool is a tall rectangle and its height will change depending on screen size and device. We require a wider background so that things can adjust appropriately for each screen size. The background image or video is always going to get cropped so it should not contain any crucial text or imagery.
Image: 1000px by 800px, static image file
Video: mp4 file under 4MB

3. Body Copy Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, color, and alignment. There are no character limits, but messaging should be short and concise to quickly grab user’s attention. If using a custom font, please send over a .ttf or .otf file.

4. CTA Customizable elements include: text, font, size, weight, style, color, alignment, width, background color (gradient or solid), stroke, and hover effects. Can have multiple CTA’s.

Additional Features:

5. Capture Field Capture customer mobile numbers for SMS or email addresses. Customizable elements include: text, font, size, weight, style, color, alignment, width, background color (gradient or solid), stroke, and hover effects. See an example.

6. Countdown Timer Create urgency by including a countdown timer. Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, color, and alignment. See an example.

7. App download Encourage users to download your app from the Apple Store or Google Play. See an example.

If you would like to create your own mock up, download the .psd file here. Our design team will rebuild your mock up in HTML and CSS and will try to get as close as possible to what you have provided. Keep in mind that things that are possible in Photoshop are not always possible to replicate in our Onsite Engagement tool.
This type of onsite has messaging and imagery on the top half, and can showcase static or dynamic recommended products and/or user history in the bottom section.

1. Logo (Optional): Size can be adjusted. Transparent PNG is recommended but can use any image file type.

2. Background Image 1000px by 800px. JPG is recommended but can use any image file type. The height of the onsite will shift depending on screen size and content, so a wider background image is recommended to allow for cropping and adjustments.

3. Body Copy Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, color, and alignment. There are no character limits, but messaging should be short and concise to quickly grab user’s attention. If using a custom font, please send over a .ttf or .otf file.

4. CTA Customizable elements include: text, font, size, weight, style, color, alignment, width, background color (gradient or solid), stroke, and hover effects. Can have multiple CTA’s.

5. Recommendation Section Header – Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, color, and alignment. If using a custom font, please send over a .ttf or .otf file.

6. Product Recommendations – Best practice is 6 products. If using static recommendations, send over the product URL’s so that we can pull the proper information and link each product correctly. For dynamic recommendations, please find product feed guidelines here.

Images – size can be adjusted. File type: jpg or png
Text – Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, color, and alignment. If using a custom font, please send over a .ttf or .otf file.
CTA – Customizable elements include: text, font, size, weight, style, color, alignment, width, background color (gradient or solid), stroke, and hover effects. Can have multiple CTA’s.

Additional Features:

7. Capture Field Capture customer mobile numbers for SMS or email addresses. Customizable elements include: text, font, size, weight, style, color, alignment, width, background color (gradient or solid), stroke, and hover effects. See an example.

8. Countdown Timer Create urgency by including a countdown timer. Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, color, and alignment. See an example.

9. App download Encourage users to download your app from the Apple Store or Google Play. See an example.

If you would like to create your own mock up, download the .psd file here. Our design team will rebuild your mock up in HTML and CSS and will try to get as close as possible to what you have provided. Keep in mind that things that are possible in Photoshop are not always possible to replicate in our Onsite Engagement tool.
This type of onsite generally appears in the middle of the screen. This onsite has the most flexible layout and can be any shape that fits on a user’s screen. Please keep in mind that this layout will be simplified and resized appropriately for mobile screens.

1. Background Image This type of onsite generally appears in the middle of the screen. This onsite has the most flexible layout and can be any shape that fits on a user’s screen. Please keep in mind that this layout will be simplified and resized appropriately for mobile screens.

2. Body Copy Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, color, and alignment. There are no character limits, but messaging should be short and concise to quickly grab user’s attention. If using a custom font, please send over a .ttf or .otf file.

3. CTA Customizable elements include: text, font, size, weight, style, color, alignment, width, background color (gradient or solid), stroke, and hover effects. Can have multiple CTA’s.

Additional Features:

4. Capture Field Capture customer mobile numbers for SMS or email addresses. Customizable elements include: text, font, size, weight, style, color, alignment, width, background color (gradient or solid), stroke, and hover effects. See an example.

5. Countdown Timer Create urgency by including a countdown timer. Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, color, and alignment. See an example.

6. App download Encourage users to download your app from the Apple Store or Google Play. See an example.

If you would like to create your own mock up, download the .psd file here. Our design team will rebuild your mock up in HTML and CSS and will try to get as close as possible to what you have provided. Keep in mind that things that are possible in Photoshop are not always possible to replicate in our Onsite Engagement tool.
This type of onsite generally appears at the top of the site. Use this onsite type as an unobtrusive way to display messaging that will stay with the user throughout their site visit, or to display specific messaging triggered by another event (i.e., if someone closes out a full height onsite, the promo bar could appear with similar messaging and/or promo codes so that the offer stays top of mind).

1. Background The Promo Bar background can be set to a solid color, gradient fill, or image. If you would like to use an image, the file should be at least 1000px by 100px. Since the height and width of the Promo Bar will shift depending on device/screen size, the background should remain simple and contain no crucial text or imagery.

2. Image (Optional) You can include an image within your Promo Bar. This should be something small and simple. Any image type will work, including animated GIFs.

3. Body Copy Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, and color. Messaging should be short and concise. If using a custom font, please send over a .ttf or .otf file.

4. CTA (Optional) Customizable elements include: text, font, size, weight, style, color, alignment, width, background color (gradient or solid), stroke, and hover effects. Can have multiple CTA’s.

Additional Features:

5. Capture Field Capture customer mobile numbers for SMS or email addresses. Customizable elements include: text, font, size, weight, style, color, alignment, width, background color (gradient or solid), stroke, and hover effects. See an example.

6. Countdown Timer Create urgency by including a countdown timer. Customizable elements include: font, size, weight, style, line-height, color, and alignment. See an example.

7. App download Encourage users to download your app from the Apple Store or Google Play. See an example.

If you would like to create your own mock up, download the .psd file here. Our design team will rebuild your mock up in HTML and CSS and will try to get as close as possible to what you have provided. Keep in mind that things that are possible in Photoshop are not always possible to replicate in our Onsite Engagement tool.
Use display advertising and social media ads to attract new audience for your brand as well as bring customer’s back to your site. Behavioral, demographic, location, and contextual targeting strategies drive user acquisition and build brand awareness.
Static ads are clickable but do not feature any additional animations, motions, or interactivity.

File types accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF
File size: 150kb maximum

Note: It is not necessary to run every single ad size. Below is a list of the 6 standard sizes which we have found to perform best:

Supported sizes:
Square and rectangle
240px × 400px Vertical rectangle
250px × 250px Square
250px × 360px Triple widescreen
300px × 250px Inline rectangle
336px × 280px Large rectangle
580px × 400px Netboard
120px × 600px Skyscraper
160px × 600px Wide skyscraper
300px × 600px Half-page ad
300px × 1050px Portrait
468px × 60px Banner
728px × 90px Leaderboard
930px × 180px Top banner
970px × 90px Large leaderboard
970px × 250px Billboard
980px × 120px Panorama
300px × 50px Mobile banner
320px × 50px Mobile banner
320px × 100px Large mobile banner
Dynamic ads show products that are either personalized to specific customers or a defined list.

• Work best when information is pulled from client provided feeds

• Can work without body copy as the dynamic information uses most of the space

Note: It is not necessary to run every single ad size. Below is a list of the 6 standard sizes which we have found to perform best:

Supported sizes:
Square and rectangle
240px × 400px Vertical rectangle
250px × 250px Square
250px × 360px Triple widescreen
300px × 250px Inline rectangle
336px × 280px Large rectangle
580px × 400px Netboard
120px × 600px Skyscraper
160px × 600px Wide skyscraper
300px × 600px Half-page ad
300px × 1050px Portrait
468px × 60px Banner
728px × 90px Leaderboard
930px × 180px Top banner
970px × 90px Large leaderboard
970px × 250px Billboard
980px × 120px Panorama
300px × 50px Mobile banner
320px × 50px Mobile banner
320px × 100px Large mobile banner
Animated ads feature a series of frames with images, slogans or text. The frames cycle sequentially to create an animation loop that can loop infinitely or for a custom number.

15 seconds max, per loop
File types accepted: GIF or HTML5
File size: 150kb maximum

Note: It is not necessary to run every single ad size. Below is a list of the 6 standard sizes which we have found to perform best:

Supported sizes:
Square and rectangle
240px × 400px Vertical rectangle
250px × 250px Square
250px × 360px Triple widescreen
300px × 250px Inline rectangle
336px × 280px Large rectangle
580px × 400px Netboard
120px × 600px Skyscraper
160px × 600px Wide skyscraper
300px × 600px Half-page ad
300px × 1050px Portrait
468px × 60px Banner
728px × 90px Leaderboard
930px × 180px Top banner
970px × 90px Large leaderboard
970px × 250px Billboard
980px × 120px Panorama
300px × 50px Mobile banner
320px × 50px Mobile banner
320px × 100px Large mobile banner
Size requirements and ad types vary over every social media platform. Based on what type of ad you’re making please provide text, images and/or videos as outlined by the individual social media platform’s guidelines.

For the most up to date and complete social media advertising guidelines, please refer to the platform-specific links.
File Types: .MP3, .M4A, .WAV
Bitrate: 160 kbps
Max Size: 100 MB
Companion Banner Types: .JPEG, JPG, PNG
Resolution: 1920x1080, 1280x720
Duration: 15 Seconds, 30 Seconds
Video Bitrate: 15,000 Kbps - 30,000 Kbps
Audio Bitrate: 192 kbps
File Type: MP4
Frame Rate: 23.98 FPS, 29.97 FPS
Audio Sample Rate: 48 kHz
Max Video File Size: 10GB